
(中英對照) 居家注射白血球生長激素(顆粒球)護理指導 Nursing Instructions for Parents in Administering G-CSF Injection

(中英對照) 居家注射白血球生長激素(顆粒球)護理指導 Nursing Instructions for Parents in Administering G-CSF Injection

Ⅰ.Objective 目的
To educate a parent how to correctly carry out an injection of granulocyte
colony-stimulating factor for his/her child.病人於居家正確自行注射白血球(顆
Ⅱ. Preparation of items for the G-SCF Injection 準備物品
ⅰ. Prescribed medications and solution (if necessary) 醫囑指定的藥物、稀釋液
ⅱ. Alcohol swabs 酒精棉片
ⅲ. A clean syringe with a gray needle 空針及注射針頭(灰色)
ⅳ. A syringe disposal receptacle (e.g., a plastic bottle) 棄針筒(可利用寶特瓶)
Ⅲ. Procedure for injection 操作步驟
ⅰ. Wash both hands thoroughly 洗淨雙手。
ⅱ.Draw-out the prescribed medications for injection:抽取藥物,注射的溶液為:
□Filgrastim injection (300 mcg): draw-out _______________ c.c. of
惠爾血添注射劑(Filgrastim Injection )300mcg:抽取 cc
□Lenograstim (100 mcg/vial): Remove and disinfect the rubber stopper of the
medication vial and inject 0.5c.c. of the solution into the vial and draw-out
_______________ c.c. of the Lenograstim–solution mixture.
顆粒球諾得 100mcg(Lenograstim 100mcg vial):抽取稀釋液 0.4cc,將藥物
瓶蓋取下消毒藥瓶橡皮頭後,將稀釋液打入瓶內,抽取 cc
ⅲ. Use a clean gray needle. 更換灰色針頭。
ⅳ.Help positioning the child to expose the injection site which can be:協助病童採
1. Lateral upper arm. 上臂外側
2. Anterior or lateral thigh. 大腿前側、外側
3. Upper outer quarter of the buttock. 臀部外上 1/4

ⅴ. Use an alcohol swab to disinfect the injection site by starting from the center and working outwards. Preparing another clean alcohol swab for the next
ⅵ. Anchoring the injection site with your left hand. Holding the clean syringe with a pen-holding alike manner and inserting the syringe needle in the skin at a
proper angle depending on the body size of your child.左手固定注射部位皮膚與針頭成適當角度插入(拿針方式即為握筆方式):
1. For a child with a mid-sized or underweight (slim) body size, pinch the skin by using your thumb, index and middle fingers at the injection site before injecting the needle at an angle of 45-60 degrees.小孩、體型中等或瘦弱的
人,用拇指、食指與中指捏起局部的皮膚組織,針頭成 45°-60°斜角插入注射。
2. For a child with an overweight body size, injecting the needle at a right angle of 90 degrees (please ask your registered nurse for instructions).
體型肥胖者,則針頭呈 90°插入注射(請詢問護理人員)。
ⅶ. Pull back the syringe plunger to ensure the needle tip is not in a blood vessel(no blood return). Subsequently, push down the syringe plunger gently until the entire medication that has been injected through.反抽確知針頭未插入
血管 慢慢將針心推入,至藥液全部注入。
ⅷ.Use a clean alcohol swab to press on the injection site gentle and then remove the needle.將指間的酒精棉輕壓於注射部位再抽出針頭。
ⅸ.Dispose the used syringe and needle into the disposal receptacle.
Ⅳ. Please Note 注意事項
ⅰ. To maintain aseptic and do not touch the non-disinfected site.請注意無菌,勿碰觸消毒過的面。
ⅱ.Instructions for storage:儲存方式
□ Filgrastim injection 300 mcg (0.7 mL/vial): please store in a refrigerator (not freezer). An icy pack can be used on the way home.
惠爾血添注射劑 300mcg(0.7mL/支):冰箱冷藏勿冷凍,返家途中可用保冰袋保存。
□ Lenograstim (100 mcg/vial): please store at room temperature.
顆球諾得 100mcg/支:室溫保存。

ⅲ.Injection should be made immediately once the medication has been drawn out.
ⅳ.All used syringes must be disposed in to the syringe receptacle. When the syringe receptacle is full, capping it and bringing it to the hospital for proper disposure.
Ⅴ. If you have any questions, please call our InfoLine at: (02) 2543-3535 ext. ___.家屬或病童有任何問題可使用以下諮詢專線:(02)25433535 轉 。

 May God Bless You