
(中英對照) 小兒骨髓穿刺檢查護理指導 Instructions for Parents on Caring for a Child after a Pediatric Bone Marrow Puncture Examination

(中英對照) 小兒骨髓穿刺檢查護理指導 Instructions for Parents on Caring for a Child after a Pediatric Bone Marrow Puncture Examination

Ⅰ. Objective 目的:
To obtain knowledge of bone marrow functions as a reference for hematologic diagnosis, treatment, and tracking
Ⅱ. Examination Procedure 檢查程序:
ⅰ.Before the examination, the physician explains the child patient’s condition and provides an Informed Consent Form for Pediatric Bone Marrow Examination and Informed Consent Form for Sedative and Analgesic Medication Administration to the child’s parent. After she or he has read and understood the content of both consent forms, the child’s parent is required to complete the forms and submit the duplicates to the nurse.
ⅱ. The child must not eat or drink anything for 2 hours before the examination.
ⅲ. The child should urinate directly before undergoing the examination.
ⅳ.The child is sedated under a general anesthesia before the examination. The nurse then instructs the child to lie on his or her side with knees drawn up to his or her chest to expose the puncture site for the examination.
ⅴ.During the examination, the child’s blood pressure and blood oxygen content are measured every 5 minutes. The child may receive oxygen supplementation if deemed necessary.
ⅵ.Once the examination is completed, the puncture wound is wrapped in a gauze bandage fastened with tape.
Ⅲ.Post-Examination Instructions 檢查注意事項:
ⅰ. After the examination, the child should lie in a lateral or prone position. The child’s parent should press the puncture site with both palms for at least 30minutes and be constantly alert for any blood that oozes through the bandage.
ⅰ.做完檢查後,需側躺或趴睡,請家屬在穿刺部位以雙手手掌加壓至少 30分鐘,隨時觀察紗布是否有滲血情形。
ⅱ.The child must be kept under observation in the treatment room for 30 minutes,during which his or her blood pressure and blood oxygen content are measured every 15 minutes.
ⅱ.病童須於治療室觀察 30 分鐘,期間護理人員會每 15 分鐘監測一次血壓及血氧變化。
ⅲ.Notify the nurse immediately if the child feels any discomfort or if pain and constant bleeding occur around the puncture site.
ⅳ. After awakening from anesthesia, the child is allowed to eat if she or he does not feel nauseous or vomits when drinking water.
ⅴ.The nurse redresses the wound on the puncture site and covers the dressing with a plastic bandage 24 hours after the examination or when deemed necessary. When the wound dries, the parent can remove the plastic bandage; the child is then allowed to shower.
ⅴ.24 小時後或視需要護理人員會在穿刺部位換藥,並以 OK 繃覆蓋,傷口乾燥後,可移除 OK 繃並可洗澡。
Ⅳ.Please feel free to ask our nurses any questions you may have.

May God Bless You