
恭賀!馬偕紀念醫院罕見疾病醫療照護暨研究團隊成員-林翔宇主任與李忠霖醫師此次受邀榮任 Journal of Personalized Medicine (Impact factor: 4.945) special Issue "Personalized Medicine in Rare Disease" 之 Guest Editor (ISSN 2075-4426).


恭賀!馬偕紀念醫院罕見疾病醫療照護暨研究團隊成員-林翔宇主任與李忠霖醫師此次受邀榮任 Journal of Personalized Medicine (Impact factor: 4.945) special Issue "Personalized Medicine in Rare Disease" 之 Guest Editor (ISSN 2075-4426).

恭賀!馬偕紀念醫院罕見疾病醫療照護暨研究團隊成員-林翔宇主任與李忠霖醫師此次受邀榮任 Journal of Personalized Medicine (Impact factor: 4.945) special Issue "Personalized Medicine in Rare Disease" 之 Guest Editor (ISSN 2075-4426).

This special issue belongs to the section "Methodology, Drug and Device.  Discovery". This special issue is now open for submission. Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 June 2022.