
Anti-malarial prophylaxis


Anti-malarial prophylaxis

02 二月 2013 14:08 陳薇光醫師

Anti-malarial prophylaxis

Drug Usage Contraindication Adverse event Cost /Comment
Mefloquine Begin 1-2 weeks before travel to malarious areas Take weekly on the same day of the week while in the malarious areas Continue for 4 weeks after leaving the areas Allergic to mefloquine History of depression, generalized anxiety disorder, schizophrenia History of seizures History of cardiac conduction abnormalities Pregnant women (1st trimester) GI upset Sleep disturbance Mood disorder or psychosis (rare) Pediatric dose depending on the weight 150 NTD/tab There may be resistance in some Asian areas.
Doxycycline Begin 1-2 days before departure Take daily at the same time each day while in the malarious areas Continue for 4 weeks after leaving the areas Allergic to doxycycline Severe hepatic or renal impairment Pregnant women Children < 8 years of age GI upset Photosensitivity Vaginal candidiasis 3 NTD/tab Potential benefits for preventing rickettsial infections and leptospirosis
Malarone (atovaquone/proquanil) Begin 1-2 days before travel to malarious areas Take daily at the same time each day while in the malarious areas Continue for 7 days after leaving the areas Allergic to malarone Severe renal impairment Pregnant or breastfeeding women Children < 11 kg GI upset Headache, dizziness Fewer side effects Pediatric dose depending on the weight 202 NTD/tab
Hydroxy- chloroquine Same as taking mefloquine Allergic to hydroxychloroquine   Safe in pregnant women GI upset Hyperpigmentation Myalgia, headache Sleep disturbance 9 NTD/tab Resistance in many areas in the world.