Yu-Jing Chiu1, Ching-Ting Lien2, Shu-Fen Chen3.The effect report of the emotional distress screening and referral implementation in routine clinical care:The views of health-care professionals. The 20th International Psycho-Oncology Society World Congress of Psycho-Oncology ,October 2018 , Hong Kong. (poster)
Yu-Jing Chiu , Cheng-Yang Lee ,Ching -Ting Lien.The Effect Report of the Emotional Distresss Screening and Referral Implementation. The 4th Meeting of Asia Pacific Psycho-Oncology Network,November 2014 ,Taipei ,Taiwan . (poster)
Yu-Jing Chiu, Yu-Chan Li ,Pei-Chen Yeh , Chun-Kai Fang .Association among Distress ,Depression,Demoralization and Suicide Ideation in cancer patient .The Third Meeting of East Asia Psycho-Oncology Network, September 2012, Beijing , China . (poster)